
Friday, 22 August 2014

First Post

Hey! How are you doing? It's really nice to meet you...

This is kind of a test post to be honest. But I'm glad you found my little corner of the internet! Pull up a chair... Would you like a drink?

Here, I'll be posting various interesting (to me, and hopefully to you too) things from the wonderful world of computing, from the perspective of a primary school teacher with no computing qualifications at all...

The fact is, I love computers and technology. It absolutely excites me! Sometimes (often) I spend far too long on Twitter, trying to find out the next new thing. I love using technology to a) make me more efficient in my life/work, and b) to make my life/work more interesting!

So, of course, I'm incredibly biased in using technology in schools. It's not the only way to deliver inspiring content to our pupils. But used correctly it can blow their little minds :)

I completely understand that there are a lot of teachers out there that don't use the latest and best technologies available to them in their schools for a variety of reasons. But there is one reason I can't understand... Not giving it a chance. I have learnt everything I know about technology and computers by "playing around" with it. Something new arrives, I tinker with it. I don't have to master it, but I'll play around till I can see the benefits it may bring to my classroom.

As educators we have an obligation to keep up-to-date with current pedagogy. Technology is everywhere and it isn't going to go away anytime soon. The longer we leave it to catch up, the harder it'll become to be a teacher in this modern world.

Well, That's much more than I expected to write in this first blog! I hope to post more about specific aspects of the new curriculum and on various technologies as the year progresses.

Thanks for reading,
Mr B

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